Pink Flamingo Mortgage Blog Headline Animator

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Building Traffic One Search Engine at a Time!

Here is our newest Banner Ad which we are set to run on a local business directory! We are going to own the Mortgage and Real Estate categories for Kudzu viewers looking for a Mortgage!!!
We are proud to add Kudzu to our list of partners including NBC 7/39 where we are listed as their "Pros on Demand" expert for the mortgage industry, various client directories and Realtor directories; and of course our listing with the Better Business Bureau.
As we grow we want to build a large network of partners who share our desire to set a high standard of ethical conduct in the mortgage industry. Frankly this seems to be a unique concept in the mortgage industry, where "getting paid NOW" is usually listed higher than, "what's best for my client?" Nevertheless we have found that putting the customer first, build a customer for life, and many unsolicited (though much appreciated) referrals.
It will take longer to grow up to the big leagues, but when we get there, we will be bullet proof to recession and market fluctuations.
So please give us any feed back you have on our newest graphic, or other questions about mortgages and real estate!!!

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