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Thursday, May 31, 2007

How a Blue Moon can increase your Credit Score!

OK ... today is the day!! All those little items, or big items that you only get around to once in a "Blue Moon" ... Today IS the Blue Moon!!! What IS a Blue Moon? It's the second Full Moon in the same Month. In this case the second full moon in May. So let's get on it. It's time to clean the garage, or paint the patio furniture.

Or maybe it's time to Clean Up Your Credit Report, aka your FICO score. There are simple ways to start: First - Opt Out. What the heck do you mean "Opt Out?" Is that like "I quit?" No, not at all. You know all those unsolicited requests you get for credit cards, home loans, and other financial offers? Well they send those to you because they have checked your credit and you fit a certain profile they like.

While that is flattering in a way, all of these credit checks combined start to impact your credit score. Not as much a bank or credit union checking for a loan, but they add up. And YOU didn't even give them permission. What to do? Well there is a way to stop them. You simply "Opt Out"

This is the process of contacting the credit agencies and telling them that you do not want to receive any unsolicited mail and you do not want them to allow your credit to be accessed. It's easy to do. Call 1-888-5 OPT OUT and tell them you do not want anyone to access your credit without permission.

You can view our video at on the Pink Flamingo Video Tips; or the printed version in our Power Tools under Raising Your FICO Score.

So the Blue Moon is here, and with a 30 second phone call you can start raising your credit score. What could be easier? More tips on credit next week.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just a short note for the day. I have received a LOT of feedback on my first blog. Who knew? Anyway, I have been told to be personal (first person) and not second person when speaking. This is a little unusual for me as all my business writings are more second or third person. But I will try. Forgive me if I slip back and forth.

I have received several excellent comments for future blogs:

1. How to clean up your credit;
2. What do the FICO scores mean?;
3. How to finance college;
4. Is there still 100% financing available?; and
5. Do I really need a Real Estate Agent when buying or selling a house?

So I will take these one at a time over the next several weeks and give you my best thoughts on each subject. I won't necessarily take these in the order above, just what seems the most fun to write on next.

In the meantime there are two video's on the website under "Power Tools" that can give you a head start on cleaning up any credit blemishes. And don't forget to sign up for HomefindersClub.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Welcome to our blog at Pink Flamingo Mortgage (PFM). It has been an exciting year so far in 2007. We have re-branded ourselves from Acceptance Capital Mortgage Corporation to Pink Flamingo Mortgage. We intend to focus our marketing to the online neighborhood with the simple promise of honesty and providing you with "Power Tools" to shop all properties in San Diego County. We invite you to also visit our main Pink Flamingo Mortgage website for assistance with your San Diego real estate and mortgage needs.

Our most recent news here at PFM is the election of Bob Glaser to Chair of the Citizens Oversight Committee for the San Diego Community College District. The COC oversees the expenditure of 1.55 Billion dollars of construction bond money to keep the San Diego Community College District at the cutting edge of education. The COC is working with projects at San Diego Mesa, San Diego City, San Diego Miramar and the Continuing Education Centers of the Community College District. The COC is funded with proceeds from the sale of Bonds authorized by Props S and N. The COC's primary job is to ensure that these funds are spent in compliance with with the Bond language, which is a contract with the voters and taxpayers.

Bob has served several years as the Vice-Chair of the COC and was elected by a unanimous vote of the Committee. Additionally, Bob was recently granted a Brokers License by the State of California after passing the Department of Real Estate Broker's Exam. Having been an attorney for 25 years, adding the Broker's License is icing on the cake for Bob's Real Property practice. Now PFM has two in house Brokers who are authorized to process loans. Additionally PFM has the legal and financial background to help with any challenges that may arise.

Well, more in the future as this Blogging experience is new to us and we are just learning how to compose our Blog entries. See you soon. PFM